Fast Offer NY
Your Cash Offer
Frequently Asked Questions2021-10-11T22:42:15-04:00

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most common questions people ask us along with our answers, it is totally normal to have questions and feel free to call us or text us, we will be more than happy to answer.

Do we need to clean out the house or is it ok if we just move the items we want and leave behind what we don’t need anymore?2021-06-18T14:19:50-04:00

This is the most common question we get; you can leave behind anything you don’t want. Typically, what we do when we get a house, if there is anything, we can donate we will, and anything else we send in our clean-up crew to remove everything from the house. So, don’t worry about having to clean everything out the way you would if you sold it the traditional way with an agent.

OK we accept your offer, really what is quickest we could have our house sold and receive money?2021-06-18T14:20:58-04:00

This is a great question, so we want to take time to explain the process in a little more detail, so you understand all the steps involved. What will happen is, once the offer is accepted, we will order title (usually takes about 3 days) and then we will schedule a closing. Usually within 1 – 2 weeks, the quickest we ever closed on a house and paid money is 5 days!

Are you the actual buyer or are is Fast Offer some sort of broker?2021-06-18T14:21:34-04:00

We are the actual buyer; we do not broker houses at all. When you decide to sell to us you are cutting out all middlemen and selling directly to the end user.

I don’t want my neighbors or other people knowing I am selling, will this be listed anywhere?2021-06-18T14:22:39-04:00

No, we will not be listing your house anywhere, the offer is totally confidential, we don’t share or sell your information to anybody else and totally respect your privacy.

Why should I sell to you and not list with a realtor?2021-06-18T14:23:35-04:00

It is totally up to you, and our recommendation would be sell in the way you are most comfortable. Cash offer is better for some and realtor is better for others. A lot of it depends on what fits your needs best, for example are you ok with investing money into your house, and making repairs, then paying a realtor a huge commission? For some owners that is fine, and also their house is in really good condition. On the other hand if you have a house that is in need of serious repairs, or if you don’t want to wait months to sell your house, then a cash buyer like us is best bet. Please visit our realtor vs cash buyer page to get more information.

Do you only buy houses, or do you also buy vacant land or apartment buildings, and even commercial?2021-06-18T14:24:26-04:00

No we also buy vacant land, multi-unit apartment building and commercial.


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